7 Ways To Make Unique Custom Challenge Coins

5 minute read

Published on: 29 Aug 2019

Last modified on: 17 Jan 2025

7 Ways To Make Unique Custom Challenge Coins
Table of Contents

Follow our tips in making unique custom challenge coins that make the gift that much sweeter.

Whether you're looking for the right way to say "thank you," want to support a friend that's going through a tough time, or if you just want to create a sense of camaraderie in any organization, customized challenge coins are a great way to make it happen.

You want your coin's design to be as unique and special as the person you're giving it to -- but you're struggling to come up with ideas that make you tick.

Read on to learn more about how to create unique custom challenge coins that will bring people together, honor another person, save a life, or just serve as a reminder of how much you care.

1. Highlight an Important Date

Printing an important date somewhere on a challenge coin is a wonderful way to make it even more special to the person receiving it.

Custom Memorial Coin

You could give a coin with the date of a family reunion printed on it to everyone who attended your festivities. You could give your husband/wife a coin with the date when you first met on it before they head off for deployment.

If you want to honor a deceased loved one, you could even create a coin with the departed's birth and death dates on it.

2. Recognize a Specific Accomplishment

While custom challenge coins are often given to multiple members of an organization, profession, or military unit, they're also great ways to celebrate a special occasion in someone's life.

Air Force Challenge Coin

We also love the idea of creating a special challenge coin in honor of someone's college graduation, their new job, their move to a different city, or even the birth of a new child!

The possibilities are endless here, and the coin serves as a lifelong reminder of an achievement that changed someone's life for the better.

Why not try using them as wedding favors, too?

3. Include Life-Saving Contact Information

Another great tip for understanding how to make unique custom challenge coins?

Create coins that are specifically designed to help people remember important phone numbers like suicide hotlines, roadside assistance numbers, or even advocates for victims of abuse.

This is an excellent way to spread the word about a cause you care about and have a genuine impact on the lives of others at the same time.

Check out this list of some of the most important emergency contacts that you should have in your phone.

This kind of challenge coin is especially excellent for elderly people who live alone, or people with learning differences who may have trouble remembering the number they need to call in case of an emergency.

Having this tangible reminder can save lives.

4. Select a Special Quote

Another way to make personalized and unique custom challenge coins that much more special?

Include a short and sweet quote on one side of the coin.

unique custom challenge coins

You could select a quote that you know means a lot to the specific individual, or use the same quote on all your coins to motivate your team towards success. Whenever your team is feeling lost, stressed out, or just in need of a little wisdom, they can take out the coin and read it to get the boost they're looking for.

5. Go for Unique Edges

When designing challenge coins, many people are so focused on the look of the face of the coin, that they completely neglect the possibilities that the edges offer!

Coast Guard Honolulu Challenge Coin
unique custom challenge coins

You can choose from all different colors and textures, including a thicker rope design, silver or gold, or even edges that contain a few words circling the coin.

Check out our gallery to get a better understanding of the different kinds of edges that are possible.

6. Try an Unexpected Shape

You don't have to go for the traditional circular shape when you're designing your custom challenge coin!

If you want to know how to make custom challenge coins unique, sometimes straying from the standard shape can take things to the next level.

For example, you could have the coin made in the shape of a medical cross if you're giving them to emergency response teams. You could have the coin made in the shape of a Scouts-syle merit badge if you want to honor a member of your corporate team.

Want to reward members of a Habitat for Humanity volunteer team? Go for a triangular shape that mimics the look of a house.

7. Find a Quality Challenge Coin Company

The number-one thing to keep in mind when you're ready to design unique custom challenge coins?

Make sure you find a quality, experienced challenge coin company that will communicate with you to ensure they come up with a coin that exceeds your expectations.

They should have verified reviews on their website, take pride in their work, and have even offer you free design services if needed.

Ready to Bring Your Unique Custom Challenge Coins to Life?

We hope that this post has helped you to realize the limitless possibilities you have when it comes to designing customized challenge coins.

Are you ready to start creating challenge coins to give to family members, friends, servicemen and women, or even your fellow employees?

If so, we want to help you make it happen.

Reach out to us today for a free price quote on your unique custom challenge coins.

We're also happy to make design suggestions, help you to realize your vision more clearly, and fill you in on any of our current specials.

We look forward to helping you create something that will hold meaning to those you give it to for years to come.


Heather studied business and technology at Texas State University and has been with Custom Challenge Coins for over 4 years and counting. :) When she is not managing the technical sides of Custom Challenge Coins she is writing informational articles and posting cool pictures of our coins. If you would like your coin order that we manufactured to be featured on our website please reach out to sales@customchallengecoins.net

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