Published on: 04 Dec 2017
Last modified on: 30 Jan 2025
Challenge coins are more than just tokens with an insignia. They are invaluable relics that signify your part of a whole, your leg of the journey on a mission. They represent a distinguished unit and credit your part in it. People who receive challenge coins carry them with pride.
But not every challenge coin is created equal. The design on a custom challenge coin can be a unifying factor that brings the team together. If you're not a designer, you may be wondering how to accomplish this distinguished feat.
In this article, we will tell you how to design the best challenge coin for your team.
Imagery is the utmost important thing when coming up with a concept for your custom challenge coin. First, you must define what it is you are trying to convey. Next, make a quick list of important imagery around your message.
For instance, if you are making a challenge coin for a team called Little Rock Lions, you might want to focus on lion imagery and the blue and green cross-section stripes of the Little Rock flag.
If the challenge coin is a token to signify a championship win, you may want to add a trophy to the existing imagery to convey your overall message.
The best way to have a custom challenge coin that clearly conveys your message is to keep the design clean. One way to do that is by limiting text. If text is absolutely essential to your messaging, consider these ways to keep the design neat:
By nature, these are custom challenge coins and should reflect your team's mission, goals, and values. These three facets of a unit are deeply personal and distinct to every group.
Don't use clip-art or pre-made flash art to convey your meaning. Come up with a custom design by drawing it yourself, hiring an artist or using a custom logo builder if you have to.
The internet has no shortage of logo design tips. If you have to take advice from the blogosphere on how to design a logo. Many of the same principles of logo design can be applied to designing your challenge coin. Some of these include:
It may seem like a small token of appreciation, but the right challenge coin can make your team feel honorable, accomplished and unified. Don't miss out on the opportunity to bring your team together.
With these tips, it's easy to make a custom challenge coin. What are you waiting for? Get started today.
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